Lathem Pay Clock EZ Automated Time Clock System
Lathem Pay Clock EZ Swipe System

A complete Automated Time Clock system... right out of the Box.
Lathem's best selling system.
Pay Clock EZ Kit includes...(1) PC100 Swipe Terminal, (1) PayClock EZ Software, (25) Employee Badges, (1) Operations Manual, (1) Serial Data Cable -25 foot. Companion Products: See the "Related Products Heading" at the Bottom of this Page. Choose from...Annual Technical Support Agreements, Extension Data Cables, additional Employee Badges, Etc.
Pay Clock EZ cuts payroll preparation time in half and eliminates paper time cards and time sheets.
- 50 Employee capacity (up to 150 optional employee capacity)
- Automatically Total Employees Hours, (Regular and Overtime)
- Also tracks Sick, Vacation, Holiday and Other/Personal pay codes.
- Green and Red LED'S and "Audible Beep", indicates good or bad badge swipes.
- Automatically adjusts for Daylight Savings Time.
- Easy In-Cell Editing of Employee Punches and off time PayCodes.
- Easy entry of Employee data, Clock Rules and Pay Rules via the computer.
- Graphical Work Schedule.
- Allows for Archiving pay period data to diskette.
- The Pay Clock EZ software maintains pay period "history" called Archives...run reports for any archive.
- Reports-
- Time Card, Missing Punches, Hours Detail, Wage Report, Employee Configuration
- All Pay Clock EZ Reports can be... Displayed on the screen, Printed or Saved to a File.
- Sort reports... by Name, Badge Number, Employee Number or Department.
- Data Exports-
- Allows for a seamless solution from time and attendance to payroll with data export.
- Exports to the following payroll programs...
- Quickbooks Pro 2000
- More...
- Minumum PC Requirements:
- Windows 95/98/2000/XP
- 1 MB Hard Drive Space
- 3.5" Floppy Disk Drive and CD-ROM drive
- Available Serial Port, for data cable connection (cable up to 100 feet, max.)
- Clock Terminal Specifications:
- Shipping Weight: 4lbs.
- Dimensions: 6.375"(w) x 7.375"(h) x 1.5"(d)
- Operating Temperature: 32-122 degrees F
- Power Input: 120 VAC, 50/60Hz.
- Add, Extra Badges (packs of 25)
- Badges Racks (40 slot each)
- Optional, 100 and 150 employee capacities

Price: $425.00
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Manufactured by Lathem |
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