Acroprint Time Q Plus Time Clock System
Acroprint TimeQPlus Time Clock Swipe System

TimeQ-Plus PC Based Calculating Swipe System... Eliminates the need for time cards, just Swipe & Go
The Time & Attendance system for small businesses!!
TimeQ+Plus Kit includes...(1) TimeQ Clock Swipe Terminal, (1) PC Editing Software, (50) Employee Badges, (2) Supervisor Badges, (1) Serial Data Cable -50 foot.
Companion Products: See the "Related Products Heading" at the Bottom of this Page. Choose from...Annual Support Agreements, Extension Data Cables, additional Employee Badges, Etc.
model# -Time Q-Plus
- 120 Employee capacity
- Automatically Total Employees Hours, (Regular and Overtime)
- Punch status and Employee Name displayed on each swipe (see sample display below).
- Automatically adjusts for Daylight Savings Time.
- Edit Employee Punches from PC
- Easy entry of Employee data, Clock Rules and Shift Schedules via the computer.
- Detail feature explains punch calculation while editing.
- Allows for Archiving pay period data to diskette.
- The Time Q / Time Q Plus maintains only the "Current" and "Previous" pay period (no history is maintained).
- Reports-
- Time Card, Who's In-Who's Out, Hours Summary, Employee List, Clock Rules
- All Time Q Plus Reports can be... Displayed on the screen, Printed or Saved to a File.
- Sort reports... by Name, Badge Number, Employee Number or Shift Code.
- Data Exports-
- Allows for a seamless solution from time and attendance to payroll with data export.
- Exports to the following payroll programs...
- Quickbooks Pro 2000
- PrimePay
- Peachtree Complete Accounting 7.0
- Generic ASCII output file
- Minumum PC Requirements:
- Windows 95/98/2000/XP
- 1 MB Hard Drive Space
- 3.5" Floppy Disk Drive
- Available Serial Port, for data cable connection (cable up to 100 feet, max.)

model# -Time Q (stand alone terminal, when connected to an 80 column printer)
- Same Features and Reports as TimeQ+Plus shown above...used for applications where Computer is not available or practical.
- NOTE: 80 Column printer is supplied by customer...not included with TimeQ.
- Clock Terminal Specifications:
- Weight: 4lbs.
- Dimensions: 8.7"(w) x 6.1"(h) x 2.3"(d)
- Operating Temperature: 32-122 degrees F
- Power Input: 120 VAC, 50/60Hz.
- Add, Extra Badges (packs of 50)
- Add, Extra Supervisor Badges (packs of 5)
- Badges Racks (40 slot each)
- Add, Signal Relay Kit for Bell ringing

Price: $449.00
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Manufactured by Acroprint |
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